Monday, April 13, 2015

How to Safeguard your ATM card Details on the internet

Listed below are some internet security tips to safeguard yourself against unprecedented attacks by internet fraudsters who want to steal your hard earned money. The main focus would be to secure your Debit or Credit card (ATM card) information which you provide on a purchase of goods and payment for services the internet.

Secured ATM card
  1. Do not respond to any email address you receive requesting for your bank card info. You should only provide your card details on payment pages pages and on paypal when you want to connect your online account to your bank account and make sure that such webpage is using the https (see next tip for more on this).
  2. Check the web address of the webpage where you are going to type in your card details for a transaction and make sure that the web address starts with https:// like in the image below.

    With https (meaning HyperText Transport Protocol Secured) you are assured that you are on a secured page and any info you send from that page is going to the right server which is meant to receive those information to process your transaction. If you always check for this, you can be sure that your card info cannot fall into the wrong hands due to server high jacking attacks on unsecured webpages (i.e site address not starting with https) by cyber criminals.
    Even though all online payment processors use the “hypertext-transport-protocol-secured” on their pages, develop a habit of always re-checking for this before carrying out any transaction on a webpage.
    Also check for it too on login pages and any page requesting for sensitive information like passwords from you.
  3. Change your card pin either at a chosen interval of time or whenever you feel insecure about it.
  4. If you can’t withstand the fear of using your main account online, have a separate bank account specially dedicated for online payments and leave just a little money in it while your life savings stays in its own different account.
  5. Use payment gateways such as paypal, voguepay, e-wallet etc. for your payments. If you sign up for any of these web account, you will be able to make payments without the need to type any card details anywhere. For paypal account opening check this post on how to signup for a paypal account, or signup for voguepay account now.
If you follow these precautions, you can be free to make secure payments on the internet with your ATM without any reason to worry.

Happy Online Shopping!!!

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About Author

Peter Aren Gambo

Hello! I'm Peter Aren Gambo, an Entrepreneur, Blogger and Architect based in Jos, Nigeria.

I love blogging about my passion which is Music, Entrepreneurship & Architecture and I love meeting people in the process. I also play the guitar a lot whenever I am offline.
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