Monday, September 28, 2020 a Multidimensional Digital Marketplace with easy and great income opportunities

The tech sphere in Nigeria is booming with lots of internet activities springing out innovations from various tech companies and individuals alike. With over 141 million active internet users in the country, it isn't surprising that the huge potentials abounding on the internet are being explored by both old and new tech startups companies.

Bright Fur Technology, is a tech startup company that has just recently launched - an online platform and a marketplace where buyers meet sellers to trade with digital goods and services. 

StackEarning Logo
StackEarning logo

Brief Overview

What is StackEarning?
StackEarning is an online digital marketplace that links buyers and sellers of digital products and services. It was launched in August, 2020 by Bright Fur Technology. In a brief chat with the CEO Mr. Jacob Efeni, he revealed that stackearning was conceived out of the desire to provide internet users with an opportunity to make legitimate income online thereby helping them to make good use of their time and resources online. He said the services being provided on the platform were carefully selected such that both buyers and sellers get a mutual benefit on the platform.

Services on StackEarning

Services provided on the platform include 
  • Write and Earn: The write and earn section provides content creators and creative writers the opportunity to write for (or sell articles to) other bloggers, creators etc, who are having a hard time creating their own content. Likewise, bloggers magazine publishers, authors etc can also buy articles from others and have less to worry about their content creation.
  • Play Trivia: The trivia is an interesting knowledge test that users on the platform can play to earn stackearning coins. According to the site, coins that are earned on each attempt are accumulated and users can request to convert a certain amount of coins to data or airtime.
How to Earn 

How to Register

What do you think?

About Author

Peter Aren Gambo

Hello! I'm Peter Aren Gambo, an Entrepreneur, Blogger and Architect based in Jos, Nigeria.

I love blogging about my passion which is Music, Entrepreneurship & Architecture and I love meeting people in the process. I also play the guitar a lot whenever I am offline.
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