Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Facebook 'UNSEND' feature for Messages coming soon!

Unlike Whatsapp, Facebook currently does not allow users to retract or delete messages after it has been sent BUT that is about to change soon as there have been revelations that the popular social network site is planning to introduce an "unsend" feature to its over 2 billion users.

When added, users will be able to retract any message(s) after it has been sent.

However, this revelation came hours after it was discovered that some of facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg and some of his officials chats with some clients had disappeared, leaving only the recipient responses displaying on the chats. After an enquiry was made to Facebook on the development, the company later admitted to erasing the chats of its CEO and other officials for "security" reasons. This was however seen by some people as a bridge in privacy since Facebook did not notify the recipients before erasing the chats. But Facebook later announced that it was planning to make that feature available to the public.

The company issued a press statement via one of its spokesperson:
We have discussed this feature several times. And people using our secret message feature in the encrypted version of Messenger have the ability to set a timer — and have their messages automatically deleted. We will now be making a broader delete message feature available. This may take some time. And until this feature is ready, we will no longer be deleting any executives’ messages. We should have done this sooner — and we’re sorry that we did not.”
 Source: TechCrunch

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About Author

Peter Aren Gambo

Hello! I'm Peter Aren Gambo, an Entrepreneur, Blogger and Architect based in Jos, Nigeria.

I love blogging about my passion which is Music, Entrepreneurship & Architecture and I love meeting people in the process. I also play the guitar a lot whenever I am offline.
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